Tuesday, November 19, 2013

One Fine Book

" Some books should be tasted, some devoured, but only a few should be chewed and digested thoroughly."
- Cornelia Funke, Inkheart

I read these words in 2007 - they have remained, imprinted on my heart ever since.

Welcome to One Fine Book! A blog dedicated to my love passion for children's literature.

I suppose you would like to know who I am, how I got here, and where I think I might be headed in the world of books.And I suppose, I should start with the credentials...though they are only a tiny portion of the answers to those questions.

I am a mother, first and foremost, to two beautiful daughters. They are my light and my world...and they just happen to be avid readers too. You'll find them referred to here as Belle (who is 6) and Bee (who is 4), though the stories behind those monikers are for a different day.

By trade, I am an elementary school literacy coach - What's that you say? Good question! My professional goal involves helping classroom teachers reach their maximum potential within their literacy instruction...reading, writing, listening, and speaking, so that their students can reach their maximum potential in life. My professional background involves several years as a classroom teacher in 2nd and 3rd grades, a graduate degree in literacy education, a few years as a reading intervention teacher, and finally a few years as a literacy coach.

Are you bored yet? I am!

Who am I really? A lover of books! It is no coincidence that my children can't get their noses out of their books...they really had no choice but to love them! I have been reading to them since before they were born. We can think of no better way to spend our family time than curled up together around a good book.

So, why am I here? Right now...sharing my love of books with you? Well, truly, I just can't help myself! And because I hope that somewhere in all of it, you and the children in your life, will fall as deeply, madly and truly in love with books as I have.

Enough, already! Let's get to the books...you will learn lots more about me along the way.

I will admit feeling quite a bit of pressure to start with the perfect book...it is, after all, my inaugural post. But, as I heard from a very wise bibliophile this morning...the just right book is the one that you want to read. So here goes...

It seems only fitting that a lover of books would start by sharing a book-lovers book. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke is certainly that! A wonderful story in itself, the book is littered with quotes that touch any reader's heart. In the pages, we meet Meggie whose father begins reading a fairy tale aloud one evening. As the characters from the story, literally, come to life, Meggie finds herself neck-deep in danger and adventure. Combine a rich narrative with the wealth of quotable moments and it is a true joy to read. My original copy of this text (long lost to the abuse of multiple readings by multiple different people) was dog-eared, highlighted, underlined, and generally vandalized. For my friends and family who know me well, you know how totally out of character it is for me to purposefully damage a book....I don't even like it when the spine of a paperback shows cracks from opening the pages too wide! But this was a book that I truly chewed and digested thoroughly.

I do hope you'll join me on this journey, because it is really all just about...ONE FINE BOOK!

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